10:00 Registration and Welcome. Coffee.
10:30 Presentation of the seminar participants and agenda
11:10 New Corporate Governance: the Board as a directing and
controlling team
Prof. Dr. Martin HILB, Managing Partner of the International Center
for Corporate Governance, University St. Gall/Switzerland
12:20 European and German Legal Framework for Corporate Governance
Ms. Monique BACHNER, Bachner Legal, Luxembourg and
Ms. Gudrun TIMM, Managing Director, Carpe Diem, Sherborne, UK
13:15 Lunch and Networking
14:30 Keynote Speech: Women on German Corporate Boards – facts
and developments
Dr. Heike SCHWESINGER, Founder and Owner, Schwesinger & Cie.,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany (to be confirmed)
15:10 Getting Women onto Boards
Ms. Monique BACHNER, Bachner Legal, Luxembourg
15:45 Coffee Break
16:00 What works best for women to find Board mandates
Sharing of personal experiences
Speakers will be determined soon
16:45 Next steps for the participants – Interactive Workshop:
creating a strategic action plan
Ms. Rita KNOTT, Director of the FEMALE BOARD POOL Initiatives
Germany and Luxembourg
17:30 Closing Discussion
18:00 End of the Corporate Governance – Female Board Pool Seminar