Enquête sur l'International Female Board Pool 2024
En 2024, nous avons réalisé une enquête auprès des membres de l’International Female Board Pool. Voici un extrait des résultats.
Ils montrent clairement que les membres ont des niveaux très élevés d’expérience, de qualification et d’expertise.

Voici un extrait des opinions exprimées par les membres lors de l’enquête :
- The Female Board Pool initiative does a phantastic job and helps many women to develop and grow. In its database there are many highly qualified and engaged professionals.
- Better overview of the preparation and selection process for the supervisory board to apply more successfully
- More clarity on the resposibility of the board and differences for different size organizations
- Women network, new collaboration opportunities and Board role introductions
- Extended my network with outstanding female professionals
- First board obtained through FBP, subsequent board later on
- Deep understanding and valuable information about the responsibilities of a board member
- self awareness and self confidence, operational information
- Awareness of Board Governance frameworks; self awareness of own profile
- Increased self confidence, strategic thinking, improve presentation skills and managing senior stakeholders
Ce que les participantes à l’enquête apprécient dans les événements organisés dans le cadre de ‘International Female Board Pool Initiative’ :
- I appreciated very much the organization, the passion of the organizers about this topic, the diversity of the participants (women with different professional backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, etc.), the study cases inspired from real life situations, the guests invited to speak about different topics.
- The exchange of hands-on experience between the participants which allowed me to broaden my perspective on my current situation and opportunities.
- High quality of trainers and participants enables a fantastic discussion which enhances learning.
- The openness, the feedback I have received, and the ability to get advice on a network to be developed, along with access to mentors
- Exchanging and networking with great, open minded personalities
- Empathic, engaged and highly professional orgnaisation and support by Rita Knott and her team
- At every event trustworthy and open interaction among the participants